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I offer the best in acclaimed favorite massage therapy techniques - FULL BODY SWEDISH MASSAGE and THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE (or combination of both). 


Additionally, I offer specialty services, such as the very popular RAINDROP TECHNIQUE which includes a series of essential oils that are renowned through history for their beneficial properties.  Often, clients wish to have RAINDROP TECHNIQUE OILS added to their massage session...that is offered for a small extra fee.   


Also very popular and convenient is my SEATED CHAIR MASSAGE - either in my office or brought to the workplace or events. 


Another service I offer that is a powerful wellness alternative is TRADITIONAL CHINESE WELLNESS EVALUATIONS.  For detailed information on each service, please scroll down this page.


Swedish / Therapeutic Massage 


NEW clients or last visit more than 4 weeks prior:

    60 minutes - $75

    90 minutes - $100

  120 minutes - $130





Return in 4 weeks:

   60 minutes - $65

   90 minutes - $90

 120 minutes - $120


Return in 3 weeks:

   60 minutes - $60

   90 minutes - $85

 120 minutes - $110


Return in 2 weeks or sooner:

   60 minutes - $55

   90 minutes - $75

 120 minutes - $100


Raindrop Technique

Raindrop Technique Session - $90  

Add Raindrop Oils to massage session - $20


Chair Massage

Chair Massage - $1/minute (30 minute minimum)


Traditional Chinese Wellness

Traditional Chinese Wellness Evaluation - $125

Followup Consultation (30 minutes) - $45



​Full Body Swedish Massage ~ is the most well known and often-requested form of massage, and it is sure to provide the client with great relief from the tensions and pains that build up in the body over a period of time. 


Swedish Massage is performed with the client lying on a comfortable padded table.  The client is generally unclothed to allow the application of lotion or oil, and is appropriately draped during the massage.


Using small amounts of non-scented lotions or oils for lubrication and comfort on the client's skin, the therapist applies several massage techniques including long gliding strokes, kneading, compressions and circular motions to the body in order to physically relax tension in the body and bring about the many benefits of massage for the client.  And, should a client wish that a certain area of their body be avoided during the massage, they merely need to inform the therapist.


Not to be confused with Deep Tissue Massage which applies massage techniques to deeper  muscles, Swedish Massage also allows "deeper" or "firmer" pressure if the client should desire that.  In fact, a full range of pressure firmness can be offered with Swedish Massage for the client's own preference.



​Therapeutic Massage ~ sometimes it takes a little more concentrated massage techniques than typically provided in a Full Body Swedish Massage to relieve the client's problem areas of painful knots, "trigger points" that refer pain elsewhere in the body, adhesions, very tight muscles and other areas of body tension.


...and in those cases, it may be necessary to exert a little "deeper" application of techniques to get to the source of the problem, and so that relief can occur.


Therapeutic Massage can be thought of as skillful use of techniques to work deeper muscles, or areas of client concern that need more specific concentration.


We inform our clients that Therapeutic Massage is not the same thing as what some clients might think to request as "deeper - or firmer pressure".   Because Therapeutic Massage tends to focus on problem areas in muscles below, or "deep" to surface level muscles, there is the possibility for some brief discomfort during the session due to unfamiliar sensations experienced in a Therapeutic Massage as needed to relieve the problem...however, we communicate with our client during the session to obtain feedback for the therapist regarding the client's comfort level so that the Therapeutic Massage is not an unpleasant experience and so the greatest relief can occur for the client.


Therapeutic Massage for Minors ~ All table massage clients must be of age 21 or older (except as noted below), and at events where clients are receiving chair massage, any person requesting chair massage that is less than 18 years of age, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who authorizes the massage by their signature and who is present during the massage.   In some instances, I may accept table massage for a minor when the parent or guardian attends and authorizes their approval by signature, is present in the room during the massage session, and indicates by signature their approval of the procedures at the end of the massage session.  However, the decision to offer this service will be totally at my own personal discretion, and partially dependent upon the nature of work that would be needed.​


The very popular and deluxe RAINDROP TECHNIQUE with pure, therapeutic grade essential oils!  You may have heard about the amazing Raindrop you will be able to enjoy the luxury and benefits of this method at It's a Great Day.  The Raindrop Technique is a process of application of numerous oils to the feet and along the spine with gentle massage of those oils into the skin to result in stress relief and the delivery of the famed healthy benefits of each of the oils used to every system in the body.  


The Raindrop Technique session is about 60 minutes long, and the cost is only $90.


Many people also love to combine a Raindrop Technique session with a Swedish Full Body Massage for the remainder of the body that does not receive the Raindrop Technique oils application ~ this serves the entire body with outstanding benefits and relaxation.  


For this option, the cost will be $90 for the Raindrop Technique portion of the session with an additional $1/minute added for requested additional massage in the session.  


Alternately, clients often desire a full body massage with the addition of a reduced quantity of the Raindrop oils (about a third of the oils used for a full Raindrop Technique session).  For that option, the cost will be that of the massage service plus an additional $20 for the essential oils used.




​​Seated Chair Massage ~ this is a great option for clients that want quick relief for their muscular tension and pain, or for clients that may feel more comfortable remaining dressed during the session.


As shown in the picture to the left, the client kneels onto a very comfortable padded chair used specifically for chair massage, and the therapist applies a number of highly effective massage techniques to the client's neck, shoulders, back, (and gluteal/hip muscles, if the client wishes), and arms and hands to relieve a great amount of aches and pains that are extremely common in today's world with significant computer usage and/or repetitive motions performed in the workplace or at home.


If the client prefers, due to knee problems or other reasons, the knee pads may be easily removed from the chair and the client may place his or her feet directly on the floor.  The chair itself can be adjusted into numerous positions to provide the greatest level of comfort for the client.


I offer  30*, 45* and 60 MINUTE  SEATED CHAIR MASSAGE sessions at my office for those that want relief from muscular tension and pain, but prefer concentration on neck, shoulders, upper back and arms and hands...or just may prefer to remain fully clothed during their session. 


PLEASE NOTE ~ I have a preferred minimum combined session booked time of 60 minutes; so the 30 and 45 minute seated chair massage sessions are preferred when two or more friends schedule to come together and have their sessions back to back.  Alternately, if a group of people come together who would like to have shorter chair massage sessions that result in a combined session time of 60 minutes or more, that is also a great idea, and I am happy to provide that service!



Workplace Chair Massage ~ chair massage brought to the employees at their company location!  This is a huge benefit for both the employee AND the employer.  10, 15 and 20 minute sessions at only $10, $15 and $20...non-disruptive to the work schedule, minimal space needed to set up and provide service (a small office or conference area in a quiet area with a little privacy is perfect...and if that is not available, then a spot out of the immediate hustle of the work environment is generally sufficient), and the client can remain fully clothed in their normal work attire. 


Be sure to see the Specials tab for an extra great value I offer for participating employees!


​​Currently offering this service within the cities of Jefferson City, and immediate surrounding areas.  Please call or email for more information!!  THERE ARE NO CONTRACTS OR VERBAL COMMITMENTS REQUIRED, SO PLEASE GIVE THIS SERVICE A TRY!!  YOU WILL BE VERY GLAD YOU DID, AND SO WILL YOUR CO-WORKERS, EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYERS!!


Additional Information for the Employer ~ 

Chair massage is a very quick method of improving a person’s overall sense of well-being, and my offering of chair massage in the workplace is an exciting wellness service I offer for the benefit of employers and their employees.  I believe it is an exciting service because I offer true wellness benefits by bringing trained therapeutic massage skills directly to the workplace environment.


The benefits of therapeutic massage have become well known in both the medical world, as well as by those who receive massage on a regular basis.  In fact, massage has become so recognized for its benefits that the Bureau of Labor has identified massage therapy as one of the fastest growing professions of all.  Why - perhaps because massage can bring immediate and true health benefits…such as, relief of stress and headaches, relief of muscular tensions due to overuse or repetitive actions, improvement of circulation, increase in alertness and reduction of fatigue, and many more.  And when a person is relieved of physical stress and tension, their mental and emotional state of well-being is benefitted, too.


In only 10 to 20 minutes, a person can receive a chair massage by a State-licensed Massage Therapist and walk away feeling greatly relieved from muscular stresses that are often developed in the workplace due to repetitive actions or muscle positions held for extended periods of time…for example, tight neck muscles, sore shoulders and upper back, painful knotted places within the muscles, headaches, lower back pain, aching forearms, sore wrists, and many more.


In only a short time, chair massage can provide great relief to tension and stress that is painful and distracting to the employee, improve attitude and even enhance overall effectiveness in the workplace.


The greatest advantage of chair massage in the workplace is that it is not disruptive to the employer’s business, it is performed with the customer fully clothed, it provides an immediate benefit to the employee’s state of wellbeing, and it promotes great appreciation among employees when employers allow this wellness benefit to be made available to them. 


AND as a side benefit from assisting employees in the workplace, the employer also benefits from improved employee health and wellbeing, and also from reduction in lost time due to pain issues; or losses due to workman’s compensation claims.  The employer finds that they have healthier and happier employees…and an improved workplace – in production and in attitude.  Best of all, it is very economical and cost-effective when compared to other wellness approaches – and it works!


These are some of the many ways that both employees and employers can benefit from chair massage brought to the workplace on a regular basis.  The benefits are so great from a wellness perspective as well as from the cost savings perspective too.


I would appreciate the opportunity to visit with you and share more information.




Traditional Chinese Wellness ~

My services in "Traditional Chinese Wellness" incorporate the same Eastern theory used by Acupuncturists that was developed by the Chinese healers 1000's of years ago.   In each person's body there are several pathways (now confirmed by modern science) - "energy meridians" that transport the person's life energy, Qi (pronounced as "Chee"), in a 24-hour circuit throughout the body ~ nourishing every cell of the body along the way.


Each meridian is associated with one of the body's organs...and in Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory, each Organ is a valuable team player with very specific duties and functions in service of the Body and Mind as a Healthy & Whole living being.


Sometimes, for many various reasons, an energy meridian pathway can experience an external or internal cause that creates a partial blockage of that pathway - like an obstruction placed into a flowing stream.  When that happens, the flow of energy through that pathway becomes impeded and the body will show signs of an "unbalance" or distress that are unique to the particular organ that the obstructed meridian serves.


Simply stated, my role in this Traditional Chinese Wellness service is to communicate with the customer to learn of areas where they are experiencing "an unbalance", and then to ask many specific questions to arrive at signs and symptoms that point to the Organ System that is experiencing the unbalance.


Once that is determined, I can then work with the particular energy meridians to help remove the obstruction to energy flow and help to return the Organ system to a happy state of balance and relief from the symptoms of distress the customer was having.


Each of the meridians have specific manipulation points along the path that serve a very particular role in helping the body return to balance.  Those are the points that an acupuncturist will use to achieve this very same purpose...they are called different names: acupuncture points, Qi (Chee) points, acupressure points.


Manipulation of these points can also occur with thumb or finger pressure (called Acupressure), rather than with the needles an acupuncturist would use, and can be incorporated into a focused massage session.


Another ancient and powerful tool to return the energy meridians into balance and smooth flow along with their associated organ is the use of Traditional Chinese Herbology.  Each of the Organs is particularly attracted to the healthy effects of a particular group of herbs.  The next Organ is likewise attracted to a different set of herbs, etc.  Similarly, each herb is known to posess certain unique herbal properties that has been discovered over 1000's of years to have specific effects on the body, and on specific Organs.


With Traditional Chinese Herbology, there are many specific natural herbal formulas that can be safely used to restore balance for the affected organ.  In my own service,  any formula that I would recommend, should the customer choose to consider herbology in their wellness approach, will have already been prepared into tablet form by an outstanding and licensed herbology pharmacy skilled specifically in Traditional Chinese Herbology and with the strictest quality standards, Kan Herb.   


One great plus to this approach is that use of natural herbal formulas, as properly directed, will not offer the same high level of concern about side effects often experienced with pharmaceuticals.   Generally, the herbal formulas are much gentler and will likely take a little longer than an Rx for the body to start showing the signs of improvement...but when the improvement occurs, it is because the herbs are working to positively affect the source of the problem - the unbalanced organ system - and not just relieving the signs of the problem but leaving the cause of the problem un-corrected.


This is an extremely powerful wellness approach that a customer can take for their own health, and very affordable.  However, for the service to be successful, it is very important for the customer to be committed to the plan.  For that reason I offer an entire package at one fee that includes an overall savings for the customer.


My fee for this Traditional Chinese Wellness service plan is only $125 for the initial evaluation and discussion of results and recommendations. 


Clients who are interested should please first contact me for general information.  They will be instructed to pay for the evaluation fee via the link below by selecting "Traditional Chinese Wellness Evaluation", I will email them the Client Intake Form (in fillable pdf format) to be downloaded, opened with Adobe Reader (free), "saved as" under their own file name, completed, saved and returned as an attachment to me, Steve, at for detailed evaluation and further recommendation. 


After my detailed evaluation of their Intake information, a discussion will be arranged to discuss the findings and to suggest herbal formula(s) that have been determined to benefit the client in addressing their concerns.  Depending on the client's location or availability, those discussions can occur in person, or via email or phone as best suits the client's wishes.


Additional followup meetings, as desired, will be scheduled for $45 (purchased through the same link below) to discuss potential changes in formula to address other client concerns they wish to pursue.


Herbal formula(s) (expertly prepared in tablet form) will be determined and arranged with KAN Herb for the client to order directly for shipment to their own address.   


Clients are very pleased with the great results achieved so inexpensively, and without the negative side effects that Rx can sometimes cause!


Click on the following link to order:






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